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Dear Parent/Guardian and students,

Hello! Did you know that Physical Education is one of the most important subjects your child can learn in school? By gaining early success in basic physical skills and concepts, your child will feel better about their ability to participate in recreational activities; be more successful if they choose to compete in youth sports leagues; and find it easier to accept themselves and be accepted by their peers as they move through school and their adult years. Success in physical education does impact their success in school!

I am looking forward to teaching your child about sports, fitness, muscles, lifetime skills, and sportsmanship.  Your child will have Physical Education one day a week during the school year and I expect them to dress on those days.  Athletic shoes with non-scuffing soles are required.  T-shirts, shorts, sweatshirts, sweat pants, or any combination may be worn in class
However, jewelry, crop tops, tank tops, mesh-tops, muscle tops, extremely loose or extremely tight shorts, or pajama bottoms are NOT acceptable.  The following is a list of how your son/daughter will be graded:  Emphasis will be placed on the student’s attitude, daily participation and tests.

50% = Written tests that follow each unit.

50% = Participation and Fair play – Circle of Honor (fair-play and teamwork skills) are taught and are expected.  *Each tardy and each no-dress after your two "freebies" during the semester will result in a grade reduction, a written class assignment and 0/10 points for the day. Medical sit outs must be accompanied by a note from parent/guardian or doctor.

Respect towards self and others are maintained through a discipline plan that follows our school guidelines.  We follow Circle of Honor Guidelines and continue to build character in the gym.  The students are rewarded with positive feedback, reports and some freedom in choices of activities.  Consequences result in a warning slip, detention, or in severe cases suspension/expulsion. 

Thanks for all your help, we look forward to helping your child learn this year.

Mr. Nitecki &
Mr. Pochmara


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